Maulana Ilyas Saahab’s (RA) move to Madina Tayyibah

Excerpts taken from Hazrat Shaykh Talha Qasmi Naqshbandi Damat Barkatuhum’s discourses( Continuation –Part-2)

بسم الله الرحمن الرحيم

This servant of Allah was disappointed in the Ummah after making every effort expressing his state (Quranic verse) “now it is time to save one’s ownself”, bid goodbye to India and moved to Madina. This I narrate the history of Hazrat Maulana Ilyas Saahab (RA). Maulana Ilyas Saahab (RA) is not a strange personality for this weak self to say the least. The childhood of this weak self is spent such that we used to study in the Madarsa of a small village, all we knew was Delhi’s headquarters was Nizamuddin and nothing other than that until such time from when we can remember we did not know (anything else about Delhi). Once an Aa’lim (Islamic Scholar) came to our village, having heard that he has come from Delhi I went to meet him with reverence. I asked him, “You have come from Delhi? You must be meeting Maulana Inamul Hasan Saahab (RA), Hazrat Maulana Umar Saahab Palanpuri (RA)?”. To this he replied I am very busy and do not get time to visit Nizamuddin Markaz (headquarter). I responded with surprise, “You stay in Delhi and you do not get time to visit Nizamuddin Markaz then why do you stay in Delhi?”.


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Dawah, Taalim and Tazkiyah, a collective effort

Excerpts taken from Hazrat Shaykh Talha Qasmi Naqshbandi Damat Barkatuhum’s discourses

بسم الله الرحمن الرحيم

Before beginning to mention the actual talk it feels necessary to draw attention towards a very important point. Dawah (calling towards Allah), Taalim (knowledge) and Tazkiya (spiritual reformation) are three basic pillars of the deen (Islamic way of life). The Ambiya (عليه السلام) arrived to bring life to each pillar. None of these can be detached from the other. The objective of Sayyidna Muhammad (صلى الله عليه وسلم)’s birth was described by Allah (Quranic verse), (they) read (from the Quran) and tell the signs of Allah – this is Dawah (Tabligh); Educate (people) with Quran’s wisdom and knowledge – this is Madarsa (Islamic school); Cleanse (people’s) spiritual heart – This is Khanqah (place for spiritual reformation). (more…)

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What is Taqwa? 

There's a rule in the world,  when a man expects something from someone then he also fears that person and if one expects something in return then one tries to…


Reward of Saving One’s Gaze

Once Hazrat Murshid e Alam رحمتہ اللہ علیہ was travelling with Hazrat Siddiqi رحمتہ اللہ علیہ in the mountains by foot. While walking Hazrat had a look around and said to…



"If one does not remove pride from within through hardwork then Allah breaks this pride and when Allah breaks it then one becomes a mockery in front of the world.…


Brief Notes on “Tuhfah-e-Mah-e-Ramadan”

The following are brief notes prepared for a lecture about the month of Ramadhan. It is a summary of a lecture given by Shaykh Hakeem Akthar sab (ra) titled, “Tuhfah-e-Maah-e-Ramadhan” The ending of it are some tips to help us all spend our time wisely.
“O you who believe! Fasting is prescribed for you as it was prescribed for those before you, that you may become Al-Muttaqun [the pious].” (Surah Baqara; Ayah 183)

The nature and mandate of fasting is beautifully described in the Qur’an. Instead of just commanding us to fast, Allah addressed us as ‘mu’mineen’ to kindle the spark of iman within us to make us realize our intention–everything is for Allah. The primary purpose of why we fast is because we have this belief that Allah subhanahu wa ta’ala is our Maalik and He knows what is best for us.

“And if you do fast, know that it is better for you, if only you knew” (Surah Baqara; Ayah 184)



Ramadan Mubarak!


Alhamdulillah, we all are blessed once again to see the arrival of the great month of Ramadan(InshaaAllah). The next 29 or 30 days are very precious. One needs to try their best to make the most of this blessed month. To do that, here are fifteen points that one can keep in mind for this month…

1. Remove any and all distractions that distract one from worshipping Allah, so that one can worship Allah properly.

2. Learn the fiqh of fasting. One should know what does break and what doesn’t break ones’ fast etc.

3. Whatever bad habits that you have, get rid of them and do not develop new ones. In order to make this work one should inflict pain on their nafs. So for example, the nafs is greedy and it loves money. For every sin you commit, give a certain amount of money in sadaqah. Do not inflict physical pain on your body, but rather, inflict pain on your nafs.

4. Extra Salah – Pray however many nawafil (optional) prayers that you can pray. Before this make qada of all your previously missed prayers. Qada takes precedence over nafl prayers. Tahajjud also falls under the category of nafl. You can pray both the qada and tahajjud.

5. Minimum at least one Qu’ran should be recited in Ramadan.



Stop Cutting! – Lengthen Your Beard

The society we live in today has had a great impact not only on Muslims but on many other religious people too. This is to such an extent that people are often ready to criticise an injunction of their faith merely because it does not comply with ways, fads or modes of today’s society.

Is this what we call faith?

All religious scholars are unanimous that that all ProphetsAllah's peace and blessings be upon them kept beards. Furthermore, the Prophets have classified the beard as something (that is) part of nature (Fitrah). ‘Allamah Suyuti explains human nature is based on keeping a beard and does not need a special order to be part of a particular faith. Thus, the beard is part of human nature to which all humans (men) have to adhere.

The Prophet of Allah May Allah's peace and blessings be upon him mentions in a Hadeeth 10 points of nature. Out of these ten, he May Allah's peace and blessings be upon him mentions is the lengthening of the beard. Allah the Almighty narrates the incident when Sayyiduna Harun Alaihissalam calls out to his brother Sayyiduna Musa Allah's peace and blessings be upon him, “O son of my mother! Do not seize (me) by my beard, and nor by my head.” (94:20)

This verse clearly shows that Prophet Harun Allah's peace and blessings be upon him had a lengthy beard.
