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UK Travelogue (Part 2 – Manchester)- Shaykh Talha Qasmi

This travelogue is an excerpt of the reverend Mufassir of the Quran, Arif Billah (one who recognizes Allah in his true sense) Hazrat Shaykh Maulana Sayyed Mohammed Talha Qasmi Naqsbandi Mujaddidi Damatabarkatahum’s (hereafter referred to as Hazrat DB) travel to the United Kingdom in November 2022.

         (Part 2 – Manchester)

Arranged and Presented by: Sayyed Muhammad Talha Qasmi, Khaadim, Silsila-e-Aaliyaa-Naqshbandiyah, Khanqaah Darul-Ehsan


The travellers along with brother Fazal left for Manchester after breakfast on Sunday 27th of November. While en route, Hazrat DB asked the author to read the message (and translate to brother Fazal) from one of his pupils in Bangalore, India who had shared his experience. The pupil, who the author learnt was in his 20s and recently married, had written about the lesson he is at (of the 35 in the Naqshbandi Tariqa) and how when he sleeps, he sees the Quran in front of his eyes and he starts reciting it. He also mentioned his eyes are always in an intoxicated state with the love of Allah (by way of the heart being so), and how he missed Hazrat DB since it had been a few weeks since not meeting his Shaykh in person. The message was pleasing to read as the author was wishful of such a state. Hazrat DB had every praise for the pupil more so since the seeker made every effort to avoid sins it was learnt.

We reached Manchester at Masjid-e-Hidaya slightly before Maghreb received by Maulana Abrar Saahab and Maulana Haneef Saahab DB (who is a Khalifa and has Ijazaah from Shaykh ul Arab Wal Ajam Shah Hakeem Akhtar Saahab RH). The travellers completed Asr in time soon after arrival, finishing the Maghreb thereafter, being led to Maulana Abrar’s house next door to the mosque for refreshments.

The time spent at Maulana Abrar Saahab’s house had Maulana Haneef and Qari Mohammed Saahab along (who it was learnt had been listening to Hazrat DB online and was making dua for Hazrat DB to travel to the UK). The travellers and the hosts at Manchester were meeting each other for the first time, however, it seemed as if we were not strangers in our souls. Hazrat DB spoke to hope in despair for the region. The general populace in the UK is being led astray through the teachings of the west, which has affected the Allah-fearing Muslims too. Hazrat DB mentioned the region will Insha Allah see the light of the day through Islam’s teachings. It also had a rationale of how the residents of the UK are not producing offspring which will lead to the older generation passing away with no one to replace them. Muslims if they continue to live by the laws of Shariah and have offspring, then Insha Allah (Allah willing) they will be left to administer the region thereby leading the nation to elevation through Islam against the dark and abyss valley of not doing so.

Hazrat DB noted, prophets are born among humans. It is worth the observation that there has never been one in Europe. Neither has there been a Siddiq (the Truthful) likewise since a Siddiq speaks of the Truth revealed to him by the Prophet. Since there was no Prophet to convey the truth there has been no Siddiq either. The reason for this is when Prophet Adam Alaihissalaam’s son was expelled for killing his brother who then took to the jungles of Europe and had a child with a female monkey which resulted in a half-human and half-animal as offspring. Thus, if Darwin says humans were part animals in the dark ages, then it is true for people in the European region as against the rest of the world. The mention of the dark ages refers to the dark ages in Europe and not the Arab world since the Arab world was rather flourishing and self-sufficient at the time. Hazrat DB referred to these from notes of Shaykh Ibn Arabi RH. There was further mention of the incident being revealed to the Naqshbandi Shaykh Munazir Hasan Jilani RH through Kashf (divine revelation, inspiration).

The Jews have a team that does Tasarruf (possession of the heart, to make it go astray and commit sins) on the hearts of the Muslims. The ability to be steadfast on Shariah, and respond to this Tasarruf, would be gained from the Qalbi Quwwat (strength of the heart) that is acquired through the company of the friends of Allah. This is so since the battle of the spirit can only be fought with spiritual strength and not a physical sword. Our ancestors had come to the UK when there was no hope to look for, no mosques to pray in, and none one could relate to as a brother in Iman (or be namesake in some instances), however, they did not despair and sought Allah’s help in their efforts that has now lead to a mosque in almost every corner of the country, besides the various efforts being made to preserve the teachings. This would not have been possible had the elders left the country assuming it cannot be changed. In essence, along with the physical efforts Muslims must spend time in remembrance of Allah which will strengthen their hearts and help them gain momentum in their efforts. The purpose of Hazrat DB’s journey to the UK was thus to bring people close to Allah, help them abstain from sins, spend time in remembrance of Allah and purify their souls which in turn will lead to Barakah (blessings and abundance) and hopefully have the Noor of the Nisbat (the spiritual affinity of the heart through the chain of the elders connecting to the Prophet Muhammad ﷺ).

It was time for Isha after which Hazrat DB was due to address the attendees. The author had heard brother Fazal and some others enquire about Hazrat DB’s purpose for the visit to the UK. Slightly before prayer time was due, the author, brother Fazal, Maulana Abrar Saahab and Maulana Haneef Saahab DB were conversing when the author asked brother Fazal if he now can understand the purpose of the visit (spreading the Noor of the Nisbat) to which he responded in the affirmative confirming he did. The hosts were very grateful to brother Fazal for being instrumental in Hazrat DB being in the UK and were giving him glad tidings of being the reason for people’s benefit in the people country through Hazrat DB (in essence the Nisbat).

When it was time for Hazrat DB to address the attendees after Isha prayers, Hazrat Maulana Haneef Saahab DB introduced Hazrat DB in a very endearing manner, stating Hazrat DB is blessed with many bounties, being the blessed descendant of the Prophet Muhammad ﷺ, being a scholar of the Quran and that of being bestowed Khilafah (permission to teach self-purification) from Shaykh Zulfiqar Ahmad Naqshbandi Mujaddidi DB. Maulana Haneef Saahab DB requested the attendees to wait after the discourse to take part in the Muraqba (remembrance of Allah) and benefit from the blessings thus. As is Hazrat DB practice, he spoke on the meaning of the Surah recited in the first and second Rakah of the Jamaah. The discourse concluded with performing Muraqba and then the Dua.

The travellers then had dinner at Maulana Abrar Saahab’s house which was hospitality personified (as they say in Urdu, Sarapa Khidmat) being invited for breakfast the morning after. The travellers then took leave to rest at the hotel in the city that brother Fazal had arranged for. On the way to the hotel, brother Fazal was rather pleased with the way the day was spent and how welcoming the hosts at Manchester were. He also recognised that the hosts at Manchester understood the reason for Hazrat DB’s visit visibly more than their counterparts. It was no surprise again that brother Fazal and Maulana Abrar Saahab came to be related in some form that the author listened to and smile, reiterating his observation of the fact that if a Muslim is a Gujarati in the UK then he is in some form or the other related to brother Fazal.

The morning after began at the time of Tahajjud, Muraqba, and Fajr prayers followed by resting for a while. The travellers had breakfast at Maulana Abrar Saahab’s house. Maulana Haneef Saahab DB and Qari Mohammad were in attendance and were all ears to Hazrat DB. Maulana Haneef Saahab speaks his heart through his eyes invariably as does the very dear, noble and pious Qari Yaseen Saahab Damabarkatuhum of Kashmir (the writer loves Qari Yaseen Saahab DB for the sake of Allah and thus could not resist the temptation of his names mention here as it occurred involuntarily to him) who mentioned that it appears as if we were never strangers and there is some association of our souls from Aalam-e-Arwah (world of the souls) noting Al Arwahu Jundun Mujannda. Hazrat DB responded by reciting a Hadith that confirms such occurrences of souls that were together in Aalam-e-Arwah when they meet in the physical world it is as if they take to each other instantly and one feels an affinity and bond that is more felt than explained.

It was learnt that Hazrat Shaykh Zulfiqar Ahmad Naqshbandi DB had been to Manchester a few years ago being hosted by Maulana Abrar Saahab at his house and in the same room where Hazrat DB found himself that evening. The hosts shared it is incidental that Hazrat DB spoke of the similar same things as his Shaykh, Hazrat Shaykh Zulfiqar Ahmad Naqshbandi Saahab DB. This was more pleasing to the hosts and perhaps a sign since Hazrat DB was not aware of Shaykh’s visit to the UK earlier at the host’s house in the same room sharing with them the same principles and thoughts.  

Maulana Haneef said the Hazrat DB’s company makes them hope in despair, and have a positive outlook in dire situations. The author has been blessed to notice, Allah has bestowed upon Hazrat DB the unique ability to find the good in the bad which was evident when he said when our elders had come to the UK there were no masjids (mosques) however one finds such facilities at short distances now. Maulana Haneef mentioned may Allah spread the Noor of the Nisbat through the Shaykh in the country. Hazrat DB advised there is hope in Allah’s will for the region.

The time after Zohar was spent in slight rest until Asr and then praying the Maghreb before being taken by the hosts to meet brother Iqbal who is an author and literary of quite a many religious publications. Brother Iqbal has a treasure of books in his library some of which are published in Deoband India. The meeting was very informative about brother Iqbal’s work who shared his observations of how the community does not spare time to read books and is thus not as well read as it used to be. We took brother Iqbal’s leave after visiting the large library who was inclined at keeping in communication with Hazrat DB to share his work after Hazrat DB glanced through and appreciated it. Maulana Farooq Pandor Saahab was among the hosts and had invited Hazrat DB to visit his house before the discourse after Isha at Masjid e Noor. The time at Maulana Farooq Saahab’s house had his children recollect their time studying in South Africa (since Hazrat DB had spent some time teaching in Darul Uloom New Castle in South Africa). It was pleasing for the audience to note, Hazrat DB’s lectures in New Castle were always conducted in Arabic as against English (since Hazrat was yet to be more accustomed to the English language). The time at Randher in Jamia Hussainiya (having been sent there by his first Shaykh Hazrat Qari Siddiq Bandhvi Saahab RH) was recollected and the task of assisting Hazrat Mufti Lajpuri RH in translating the Fatawa in Arabic was a source of admiration for the attendees as the author could witness. There was also the mention of Hazrat DB having seen Shah Wasiullah RH who made dua for Hazrat DB.

Hazrat DB shared the Tafseer of the Surahs recited during the prayers as is his won’t. After the discourse and Dua, the hosts arranged for dinner for the attendees in the mosque. A large number of Ulema had attended the discourse and gathered for a private audience after the dinner. Hazrat DB addressed the Ulema advising them to be associated with the Mashaaykh to purify the soul and bring more life to their efforts. There were Ulema in the audience who knew Hazrat DB’s father from their time in India. We learnt later that both Masjid e Hidayah and Masjid e Noor were visited by Hazrat Shaykh Peer Zulfiqar Ahmad Naqshbandi DB addressing the attendees in both. Could this be coincidences or caused incidents by the will of Allah that Hazrat DB visited the same locations as his Shaykh?  

Maulana Farooq Pandor Saahab shared his inclination of accompanying Hazrat DB the next day taking leave from work. The author recollects that night before sleeping, he noticed Hazrat DB was listening to a story on his phone about how a man in the Asian subcontinent had brought to justice a blasphemous person who spoke ill of the Prophet Muhammad ﷺ. The author could hear that the man was supposed to be hanged for the crime in the eyes of the government. However, the man saw the Prophet Muhammad ﷺ in a dream and was blessed with glad tidings of living a long life. The narrator mentioned the man is still alive (the author does not know the date of the narration). The author noticed Hazrat DB weeping while lying on his bed with hiccups. The author could only wish for such a state of love for the Prophet Muhammad ﷺ. It is often the case that we tend to be vocal about our perceived emotions (as should be the case) about the Prophet Muhammad ﷺ, however, seldom does one see the example of Jo Jitna Aali Zarf hai Woh Utna hi Khamosh hai (one with elegance and depth in thought and deed is quieter (the author presumes this translation is an example of how translation is never able to do justice or has the same impact of the original form of the language as it were to understand what Hazrat DB had been saying through the journey of learning the Arabic language and not relying on translations only).

The next morning breakfast was had before leaving for visits scheduled for the day. Maulana Haneef Saahab DB had arranged for the visits to Darul Uloom Bury and Blackburn. Darul Uloom Bury was founded by Hazrat Maulana Yusuf Motala RH, a Khalifa of Hazrat Shaykh Zakariya RH (Shaykh-ul-Hadith and author of Fazaail-e-Amaal). Legend has it Hazrat Maulana Yusuf Motala Saahab was sent to the UK by his Shaykh Hazrat Maulana Zakariya RH to strive to bring people closer to Allah. Hazrat Maulana Yusuf Motala Saahab RH after the first few days had lost hope and requested his Shaykh for permission to return to India since the general populace was not inclined towards the Deen so much as visiting mosques on Sunday imitating Christians. Hazrat Maulana Zakriya Saahab RH had responded to the request by advising Hazrat Maulana Yusuf Motala Saahab RH to continue to strive and make efforts with glad tidings of the day when Allah will have him teach the Hadith book Bukhari to students in the UK. Hazrat Maulana Yusuf Motala Saahab RH took to his Shaykh’s command as his wish and remained in the UK. Hazrat DB mentioned to the author, imagine the trust the disciple (Hazrat Maulana Yusuf Saahab RH) had in his Shaykh (Hazrat Maulana Zakriya Saahab RH) and the Shaykh’s foresight, confidence and belief in Allah to recognise the ability of his disciple was bestowed upon by Allah. Further Hazrat DB mentioned, Hazrat Shaykh Maulana Zakriya Saahab RH was a Qutub (an elevated spiritual state) who would make many such Qutubs (enable the righteous disciples to reach the elevated spiritual state). One can see the Barakah of being obedient and the blessings of that relationship that Shaykh and Disciple had, visible in the form of mosques at short distances and numerous people who have taken to the way of Islamic teachings in their lives.

Maulana Farooq Pandor Saahab introduced the travellers to the Mohtamim of Darul Uloom Bury Maulana Junaid Saahab (who is also Maulana Yusuf Motala Saahab RH’s son-in-law), Son, and Shaykh-Ul-Hadith Hazrat Maulana Zia ul Haq Saahab DB. The institute is situated up the hill and therefore makes it colder than the city. The fog that obstructed the view and the cold shivers made us realise the temperature was single digits inching towards 3 degrees or 4 degrees. The introductions included the reference to Hazrat DB’s association with Qari Siddiq Bandhvi, time spent in Randher at Jamia Hussainiya, Darul Uloom Newcastle in South Africa and the affinity with Hazrat Shaykh Zulfiqar Ahmad Naqshbandi DB.

Hazrat Mufti Ziaul Haq Saahab leads us to the Darul Ifta introducing Hazrat DB to the team that writes the Fatawa (Islamic rulings) requesting Hazrat DB to address the students. The advice began with Hazrat DB acknowledging that he is not a Mufti and sharing in wisdom the importance of understanding the nuances of a place/region one tends to work in to be able to guide in accordance. It is customary to address an Ifta student as Mufti soon after the course is completed. While this is technically true, one observes such a title is associated with the student even if he chooses to contribute to other professions after as against writing Fatawa under supervised guidance. Hazrat DB opined it would be wise to call only those associates as Muftis who contribute and serve as one in an institute guided by an erudite(s) of the principle. This is so since it proves to be less beneficial if the Mufti is engaged in other tasks and does not necessarily understand the complexities of the question not knowing rules and social dynamics among other things to guide.

The travellers left for Darul Uloom Blackburn, soon after meeting the Mohtamim (Dean) Mufti Adul Salam Saahab DB (a Khalifa of Hazrat Maulana Yusuf Motala Saahab RH) before Zohar when Hazrat DB glanced through some Arabic literary work worked upon by the institute that was presented by the Mufti Saahab DB. Hazrat DB shared his observations about the grammatical and contextual elements that would need improvement stating some content used was more aligned to the way it was used in the Urdu-speaking world as against the Arabic. Soon after Zohar prayers were completed, Mufti Abdus Samad Saahab DB requested Hazrat DB to address the audience. The address began with Hazrat DB stating his intention to only visit the institute and he was addressing the audience to abide by Mufti Abdus Salaam Saahab’s directive. However, since he has been burdened with the task, he would like to call a spade a spade, as it were. It is important to understand the Arabic language with its context since language is learnt best through a native. Urdu is the language of our elders who have toiled to translate the Arabic content for ease, however, translation has its limitations and tends to leave much to be desired at times missing the effect the message has in its original form. The way to improve one’s proficiency in any language is to read both fiction and non-fiction (that helps grammar and vocabulary) and listen to the audio to improve diction. One of the ways Hazrat DB was able to get better in Arabic is by creating an imaginary scenario in his head as if he were talking to Arab dignitaries besides reading. After the discourse, we were to take leave and head towards Bolton for the evening schedule. Mufti Abdus Samad Saahab DB requested Hazrat DB to visit the institute and spend 2-3 days on the next visit and sought pardon it could not be so this time. Before leaving for Bolton, the travellers visited the house of Hazrat Maulana Hashim Jauhari DB (Khalif of Hazrat Shaykh Maulana Zakariya RH) who is ailing and was thus resting. We paid our respects and left for the next destination.

The travellers found themselves meeting Dr Ashraf Choksi (a Dentist and brother Nazeer Choksi’s son) at his house in Bolton. Hazrat DB chose to rest for a while at Dr Ashraf Choksi’s house before Asr’s prayers. since the travellers had less time to rest in the morning. Brother Fazal and Maulana Farooq Pandor left for some errands in the meanwhile. The travellers and the host prayed after Hazrat DB woke up, meeting Dr Ashraf’s son who is memorising the Quran. Hazrat DB asked the child to recite some verses to which recited Surah Fatiha rather well Masha Allah. May Allah help him in his efforts and make him a blessing to his parents.

We then left to perform the Maghreb prayers with Mufti Aslam Saahab in Masjid e Rehman. Mufti Aslam Saahab is one of Hazrat’s students from Jamia Hussainia in Randher, Gujarat India. The mutual admiration and inspiring respect were rather visible when the two met. Mufti Aslam Saahab requested Hazrat DB to lead the Maghreb prayers which Hazrat was kind in accepting. After the prayers, Mufti Aslam Saahab took us to Darul Uloom Bolton giving us a tour of the institute that is very well structured (a church that was bought and converted to an Islamic institute) where government administered coursed affiliated with the council are taught along with the Islamic principles to ensure students benefit with both. It was heartening to notice the walls had Hadiths placed on them in the corridors. We were due to return to Dr Ashraf’s house for simple tea (as the doctor had shared with the author) which one could witness was in all senses as high a tea as may be perceived. May Allah bless the household for their kindness.

The evening witnessed a visit to the Raheemi Academy meeting Hazrat Shaykh Maulana Abdul Raheem Limbada DB (Khalifa of Hazrat Maulana Yusuf Motala Saahab RH) before the scheduled discourse at Masjid e Zakriya after Isha. The Shaykh has a website available at Raheemi Academy. The author shared with Hazrat DB that the Shaykh is a renowned scholar amongst the English populace. Once the pleasantries were exchanged Maulana Abdur Raheem Limbada DB requested Hazrat DB to address the students of the Academy. Hazrat DB enquired if the students understood Urdu or Arabic to which the Shaykh responded the ratio is divided, however, the Shaykh is happy to translate into English. The address began by helping the students understand the onus of being the Prophet Muhammad ﷺ’s spiritual heir, talking about the importance of purifying the self, and understanding the word of the Quran in the form it was revealed. It is the responsibility of the Ulema to help the general populace understand the word of the Quran. However, if the scholars don’t understand the meaning of the Quran and Hadith in the form with the context it was revealed or spoken, how can one expect them to relay the truth further leave alone explain it with its intricacies where such is needed? Hazrat DB emphasised the fact that teachers should identify a group of students for a region and help them learn Arabic in a manner that was spoken during the time of the Prophet Muhammad ﷺ, the language of the land the student will strive to work for the Deen (e.g. France or Africa) besides their mother tongue. It is essential to notice, the original forms of languages do not exist, except for Arabic. Only Arabic has the distinction of being spoken as it was during the times of the Prophet Muhammad ﷺ, if Hazrat Abu Huraira RA were to sit among us today it is possible to understand and communicate with him without challenges since the language is intact and preserved. This, however, is not true about other languages (e.g. if Shakespeare were to come to the UK today, it is debatable if anyone can understand him and vice versa). Once these students are identified efforts should be made to help them understand the message of the Quran and Hadith and then communicate with the people of the land in the language they understand else it would be alien for them. It was pleasing and no surprise to witness Shaykh Abdur Raheem Saahab DB just with the task of conveying the message to the audience. Allah has destined the Khulood (eternity) of Islam therefore whenever there was the need for people of a particular skill set Allah made it available in the time (the following was not part of the discourse, however, is being written for reference, for instance, the four righteous Imam’s, the authors of Hadith books, Mashaaykh, the Islamic Institutes all had Hazrat Imam Abu Hanifa RH, Hazrat Imam Bukhari RH, Hazrat   Abdul Qadir Jilani RH, Hazrat Maulana Qasim Nanotawi RH, Hazrat Maulana Ilyas Saahab RH among the numerous others). This is not the case with other religions.

The discourse concluded with the Dua, Shaykh Abdul Raheem Saahab was very kind in walking Hazrat DB to the car and bidding him farewell. The travellers took leave from Dr Ashraf Choksi thanking him for his hospitality. Later that evening after Isha, Maulana Abdul Raheem Limbada DB shared with brother Fazal, that the lecture at Raheemi Academy after the Maghreb had been heard by a thousand listeners on his YouTube Channel of his known social media sources where the other social media sources count would be more it was assumed.

The discourse at Masjid e Zakriya, Bolton was scheduled after Isha. The discourse was the Tafseer of Surah Ad Duha since the Imam recited it during the prayer. Maulana Haneef Saahab DB, Maulana Abrar Saahab and Qari Mohammed Saahab travelled from Manchester to Bolton for the discourse. The essence of the narrative was to keep making efforts in the form Allah has asked us to and not intervene in Allah’s plans or decisions. The example Hazrat DB gave was if all of us in the mosque would make dua for the sun to rise since it is after Isha, it is certain to happen (since Allah has designed it so), however, not immediately, the course of the sun rising will occur at the time it is scheduled to by Allah then there will be light however, none of us can change that. There was also the reference to the Prophet Muhammad ﷺ’s time at Makkah when Allah had destined for changes to occur and accepted the Prophet Muhammad ﷺ’s pleas’, however, the triumph was witnessed during the days of life in Madina and not before a good 13 years after the life in Makkah of the Prophet Muhammad ﷺ. The Surah Inshirah commentary had references to having gratitude for the blessings one has been bestowed upon by Allah. Should there be gratitude then Allah is pleased and the blessings there are abundance and barakah in it. However, where there are complaints and thanklessness about the blessings (irrespective of how minuscule they may seem) then the blessing is taken away. Gratitude thus is a blessing and thanklessness a curse.

The author does not remember much since he was overtaken by the Tawajjo for most of the hour-long discourse.

The travellers were then led by Mufti Aslam Saahab to his house for dinner. The dinner was rather ceremonious with Mufti Aslam Saahab being the serving host making sure the guests had more than their fill. The author witnessed, Hazrat DB out of love for one of his favourite, intelligent students let him serve more than we would otherwise have.

After the dinner, Maulana Farooq Pandor Saahab enquired about Hazrat DB’s early days in the company of Hazrat Qari Siddiq Saahab Bandhvi RH and how did he come about to be associated with Hazrat Shaykh Zulfiqar Ahmad Naqshbandi DB. Hazrat DB shared how Hazrat Qari Siddiq Bandhvi Saahab RH was his first Shaykh and mentor, always very affectionate towards him at times to the surprise of many, teaching Hazrat DB books alone after hours. There were times when Hazrat Qari Siddiq Bandhvi Saahab RH would mention to Hazrat, ‘Talha, Islamic institutes will keep getting teachers, we have taught you for our work, you should make efforts for the Deen in India’. During another instance, Hazrat Qari Saahab RH had said, ‘I don’t mean you should not travel, travel the world but be based in India’. Hazrat DB says he would never understand such a narrative since transport was mostly on a cycle and the world beyond Bandha was yet to be a reality. After the passing away of Hazrat Qari Siddiq Saahab RH, Hazrat felt a void and would yearn for a guide but would find none to the scale. It was a few years later when Hazrat DB was introduced to a book by Hazrat Shaykh Zulfiqar Ahmad Naqshbandi Saahab DB which he read in one go and decided at the very instance to pledge allegiance to the Shaykh. Hazrat DB then wrote a letter of his intention to pledge allegiance to the Shaykh sending it through an Aalim who was kind in sharing it with Shaykh Zulfiqar Ahmad Naqshbandi DB, incidentally in Masjid e Haram where it is learnt that the Shaykh took the letter to Hateem and kept giving Tawajjo (spiritual blessings from one’s heart to another) for a long duration. Hazrat DB was able to speak to Hazrat Shaykh Zulfiqar Ahmad DB over the phone the next day having been advised in advance of the time to do so by the Aalim who was accompanying the Shaykh), accepting his allegiance thus starting the journey in the Naqshbandi Tariqa (path). The dinner was concluded with farewell biddings and the hope of meeting again when Allah wishes. The next morning began with the routine at the time of Tahajjud resting a while after the Fajr prayers. The breakfast was had at Maulana Haneef Saahab DB’s house followed by spending time in the guest room along with Maulana Abrar Saahab, Qari Mohammed Saahab and another guest. The discussion varied in its nature over several narratives including how the author and brother Fazal came to be associated through their professional engagement and then Allah made this association the means for Hazrat DB’s travel. Hazrat DB conducted Muraqba with the attendees for a while and imprinted everyone’s heart with the name of Allah as is the won’t of the Naqshbandi path.

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