Alhamdulillah, we all are blessed once again to see the arrival of the great month of Ramadan(InshaaAllah). The next 29 or 30 days are very precious. One needs to try their best to make the most of this blessed month. To do that, here are fifteen points that one can keep in mind for this month…
1. Remove any and all distractions that distract one from worshipping Allah, so that one can worship Allah properly.
2. Learn the fiqh of fasting. One should know what does break and what doesn’t break ones’ fast etc.
3. Whatever bad habits that you have, get rid of them and do not develop new ones. In order to make this work one should inflict pain on their nafs. So for example, the nafs is greedy and it loves money. For every sin you commit, give a certain amount of money in sadaqah. Do not inflict physical pain on your body, but rather, inflict pain on your nafs.
4. Extra Salah – Pray however many nawafil (optional) prayers that you can pray. Before this make qada of all your previously missed prayers. Qada takes precedence over nafl prayers. Tahajjud also falls under the category of nafl. You can pray both the qada and tahajjud.
5. Minimum at least one Qu’ran should be recited in Ramadan.