Man makes effort on sand [silicon] and makes microchips with value greater than gold. He makes effort upon metal and makes it fly [aeroplanes] what if he made effort upon himself, what spiritual heights he would also reach.
Nowadays the direction of our effort is on the outside rather than our inner-selves. That’s why there’s progress everywhere, the latest innovations are being produced, architecture of buildings becoming more adventurous, cars are becoming advanced as well. Take whatever, everything is getting better and better.
However, if mankind looks at themselves morally, they are declining.
“The one who is always trying to discover the unknown, he could not discover himself. He who captured the rays of the sun, yet he failed to fill the void of his own life. The one who illuminated the world with lanterns failed to realise the darkness in his own heart. If there is darkness in one’s own heart, what’s the use of the light on the outside.”
The area of effort is not just materialistic. A person must also work on his heart so he can progress internally as well.
Allaah has placed beauty within us which we need to bring out. When mankind makes effort on mines, they extract gold, silver, diamonds and other valuables. Similarly if he makes an effort on his heart, then he’ll reap courtesy, humbleness, compassion, and piety. These are the qualities which make a person valuable in the sight of Allaah. This beauty is present in everyone. Allaah has placed this beauty inside every individual.
[Excerpt taken from Hazrat Shaykh Peer Zulfiqar Ahmad Naqshbandi Damat Barakatuhum‘s lecture]
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