The Janazah salāh is also a form of Du’ā of forgiveness. If the one leading the janazah salāh and those following him are faithful and beloved in the sight of Allāh then with the barakah of this Du’ā Allāh ta’ala forgives the deceased.
But there are few people who are accepted and beloved in the sight of Allāh such that when you read thier janazah salāh or make Du’ā for their forgiveness and Isāle-e-Thawāb for them, then due to the barakah of these who are beloved to Allāh ta’ala, he forgives all those performing the salāh and making Isāl-e-Thawāb.
The Durūd Sharīf [in a similar way] is nothing but a Du’ā of Mercy which is sent to Rasūlullāh salallāhu alayhi wasallam.
Huzūr salallāhu alayhi wasallam is always poured with the blessing of Allāh ta’ala‘s mercy.
Allāh ta’ala doesn’t wait for anyone’s du’ā for blessing his Mercy.
In fact for the one who makes du’ā of mercy for Rasūlullāh salallāhu alayhi wasallam, Allāh ta’ala blesses them in ten-folds.
قال رسول اللہ صلی اللہ علیہ و سلم ” من صلی علی واحدۃ صلی اللہ علیہ عشرا”(Hadīth)
In this way, giving Isāl-e-Thawāb and making du’ā of forgiveness for the those pious and beloved to Allāh ta’ala is a great deal of profit for us as well.
The nisbat of Allāh ta’ala i.e ‘ilm, ‘aml, ehsān, ikhlās, da’wat, and tarbiyah which he provides to the pious and his beloved, all of these are provided as a bounty for one who gives Isāl-e-Thawāb.
This is why, all those related to the silsilah should make sure of giving Isāl-e-Thawāb on a daily basis.
The reason for stressing on this topic is because this lowly person’s Ustadh, mohsin-wa-murabbī, walī kāmil, Imāl al-ārīfīn, tāj al-muhadditīn, Khalīfā-wa-janashīn, Hazrat Shaykh Zakariyya rahimahullāh Ustadh al-asātidhā Hazrath Maulana Muhammad Yunus sahab (rahimahullāh), Shaykh-ul-hadīth Jamia mazāhirul ulūm, Saharanpur, Today morning passed away from this dār-fānī into dār al-baqa’. Hazrath marhūm spent his whole life in the service of llm al-hadīth with taqwa and zuhd and setting it an example.
No doubt that his personality (zāt) and his supreme qualities (sifāt) were of the likes of Razī’s sight, Rumī’s Ghazal, and Ghazzalī’s way of teaching coupled with Imām Bukhārī and Imām Muslim’s uncommon and unusual attachment with the Ilm al-hadīth along with Ibn hajr asqālnī’s expanse sight.
In this times of Qahat al-Rijāl, we don’t see anyone capable of filling this void of our elders(but for Allāh nothing is impossible).
With the blessing of Allāh ta’ala, we wish that when Hazrath marhūm will be placed in the abodes of respect along with Bukhārī, Muslim, Ibn majāh, Tirmidhī, Abū Dawūd, Ibn hajr, Ibn Taymiyyah, Ibn Qayyim, Anwar Shah, and Shaykh Zakariyya (upon them be peace), We the students and their beloved one’s get a place somewhere in their footsteps, so that we also accomplish.
That’s why it’s necessary that we all make du’ā and send blessing for Hazrath marhūm to achieve the highest abodes.
اللھم اغفر لہ وارحمہ واعف عنہ وتجاوز عن سیئاتہ
اللھم لا تحرمنا أجرہ ولا تفتنا بعدہ
واسكنه فی جنۃ النعيم بجوار رسولک الأمين علیہ أفضل التحیۃ واکرم التسليم ………..
Talib al-Duā – Khādim-AhluAllāh (Hazrat Shaykh) Muhammad Talha Qasmi, Bhiwandi, India
The above is a translation of Hazrat Shaykh Talha Qasmi Naqshbandi db’s Message on the demise of Taj-al-Muhaddith, Imam al Arifeen Hazrat Maulana Yunus Jownpuri Rahimahullah
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