Taken from “Faza’il-e-Ramadhaan”
by Shaikhul Hadith Maulana Zakariyya Kanadhalvi (Rahimullah Ta’ala)]
The reason for mentioning the manner in which these saintly ones spent their Ramadhaan is not that we may just read without deriving any benefit or pass a casual remark. It is written with the object that we in our way may build up courage and to the best of our ability endeavor to copy and follow their noble examples. Every pious elders programme had its particular specialty.
How wonderful would it be if those who are not forced by worldly necessities try their utmost to mend their religious life in this one month after having allowed eleven months of the year go by to destroy themselves.
As for those who have to be in their offices and be present at eight, nine or ten in the morning, what difficulty will it be for them if they at least in Ramadhaan, spend the time from Fajr until their hours of employment in reciting the Qur’aan. After all our worldly needs we do find time in spite of office hours.
For those engaged in farming, who normally are not bound to others nothing prevents them from reciting the Qur’aan on their farm or adjusting their daily routine. Then come the businessmen, shopkeepers and merchants.
Nothing prevents them in Ramadhaan from reciting their Qur’aan during their shop hours or cutting short trading time in order to make time for recitation thereof. After all there is very strong link between Ramadhaan and the Tilaa-wah of the Qur’aan. Almost all Allah’s great scriptures were revealed in this month. Similarly, in this month the Qur’aan was brought down from the Lowhul Mahfoozh to the Samaa’ud Dunyaa, from where it was revealed bit by bit to Rasulullah (SAW) in a span of twenty three years.
Nabi Ibrahim (A.S.) received his scriptures on the first and third of this sacred month. Nabi Dawood (A.S.) received the Zaboor on the twelfth or eighteenth. Nabi Moosa (A.S.) received his Towrah on the sixth. Nabi Essa (A.S.) received the Injeel on the twelfth or thirteenth. From this we note the great connection between the divine scriptures and the month of Ramadhaan.
For this reason, as much ti-laawah of the Qur’aan as possible should be made during this month. Such was the habit of our saints. Jibraeel (A.S.) used to recite the whole Qur’aan to our Nabi Muhammad (SAW) in the month of Ramadhaan. In some reports it is stated that Rasulullah (SAW) used to recite and he (Jibraeel) used to listen. From joining these reports the ‘ulama have said that it is mustahab to read the Qur’aan in such a manner that while one recites the other listens. Thereafter another recites while others listen. So recite the Qur’aan as much as possible. Whatever time remains thereafter should not be wasted.
Rasulullah (SAW) drew our attention to four more things and advised that we should practice them as much as possible. They are the recitation of Kalimah ‘Tayyibah, Istighfaar, begging for Jannah and seeking refuge from Ja-hannam. Therefore it must be regarded an honour to spend as much as available in these recitations. This will be the true appreciation of the teachings of Rasulullah (SAW). What is so difficult about keeping the tongue busy with the recitation of Durood (‘salawaat) or Laa ilaaha illallaah while being engaged in our daily tasks?
In the same Hadith Rasulullah (SAW) said a few more things, Ramadhaan is the month of patience. Hence even if great difficulty is experienced in fasting one should bear it with patience. One should not complain as people are fond of doing during hot days.
If by chance sehri is missed then lamentations begin early in the day. Similarly, should difficulty be experienced at the same time of Taraweeh, it too should be borne with patience. Do not consider it a great calamity or trial, otherwise these deeds may be void of blessings. When we turn our backs on worldly things, forsake our very eating and drinking, then in the face of Allah’s pleasure what are these difficulties?