UK Travelogue (Part 4 – Birmingham)- Shaykh Talha Qasmi

This travelogue is an excerpt of the reverend Mufassir of the Quran, Arif Billah (one who recognizes Allah in his true sense) Hazrat Shaykh Maulana Sayyed Mohammed Talha Qasmi Naqsbandi Mujaddidi Damatabarkatahum’s (hereafter referred to as Hazrat DB) travel to the United Kingdom in November 2022.


UK Travelogue (Part 3 – Leicester)- Shaykh Talha Qasmi

This travelogue is an excerpt of the reverend Mufassir of the Quran, Arif Billah (one who recognizes Allah in his true sense) Hazrat Shaykh Maulana Sayyed Mohammed Talha Qasmi Naqsbandi Mujaddidi Damatabarkatahum’s (hereafter referred to as Hazrat DB) travel to the United Kingdom in November 2022.


UK Travelogue (Part 2 – Manchester)- Shaykh Talha Qasmi

This travelogue is an excerpt of the reverend Mufassir of the Quran, Arif Billah (one who recognizes Allah in his true sense) Hazrat Shaykh Maulana Sayyed Mohammed Talha Qasmi Naqsbandi Mujaddidi Damatabarkatahum’s (hereafter referred to as Hazrat DB) travel to the United Kingdom in November 2022.


UK Travelogue (Part 1 – London)- Shaykh Talha Qasmi

This travelogue is an excerpt of the reverend Mufassir of the Quran, Arif Billah (one who recognizes Allah in his true sense) Hazrat Shaykh Maulana Sayyed Mohammed Talha Qasmi Naqsbandi Mujaddidi Damatabarkatahum’s (hereafter referred to as Hazrat DB) travel to the United Kingdom in November 2022.

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Read more about the article Importance of Fasting

Importance of Fasting

The fast is for Me and I am its reward [Hadith Qudsi] يَا أَيُّهَا الَّذِينَ آمَنُواْ كُتِبَ عَلَيْكُمُ الصِّيَامُ كَمَا كُتِبَ عَلَى الَّذِينَ مِن قَبْلِكُمْ لَعَلَّكُمْ تَتَّقُونَ O you who…